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कॉकरोच को घर से भगाने के अचूक उपाय

कॉकरोच को घर से भगाने के अचूक उपाय (उपयोग करके देखे...

कॉकरोच को घर से भगाने के अचूक उपाय:- हमारे पास कॉकरोच को घर से भगाने के कई असरदार ओर अचूक उपाय निम्न प्रकार हैं, (1) नीम...
computer kya hai

कंप्यूटर क्या है -What Is Computer In Hindi ?

इस आर्टिकल में हम चर्चा करेंगे कि कंप्यूटर क्या है -What is Computer In Hindi ?  कैसे हम कंप्यूटर को यूज करते हैं ? इसके...
Call By Value And Call By Reference

Call By Value And Call By Reference

Call By Value And Call By Reference:- Call By Value:- In this post we will Learn about Call By Value And Call By Reference in detail...
inline function

Inline Function- Program And Its Uses

Inline Function:- The function that is declared with the help of keyword ‘inline’ is known as Inline Function. It is a function that will expand inline...
friend function

Friend Function -Program And Its Important Uses

Friend Function:- The function that is declared with the help of keyword ‘friend’ is known as Friend Function. With the help of Access Specifier ‘Private’ we...

Constructor And Types Of Constructor

Constructor:- Constructor  is a special member function. It has the same name as that of its class in which it is declared. This is  used to...
virtual function

Virtual Function And Pure Virtual Function

Virtual Function: - It is a member function of a class. By using a keyword virtual, we can declare it in the base class. To...

Inheritance-Types Of Inheritance (Single MultiLevel Multiple)

Inheritance:- The process of creating a new class from an old class with some additional feature is known as Inheritance.For example when Parent give birth...
inverse of a matrix

Inverse Of A Matrix-Included Determinant|Minor|Co-factor

Inverse Of A Matrix:- In this tutorial I will explain all of you , how we can find the inverse of a matrix in detail...
types of matrices

Types Of Matrices

Types Of Matrices:- In previous post I teach that , what is Matrix? In this post I will teach you Types Of Matrices in mathematics. According...

Matrix-In Mathematics

Matrix:- A Matrix is an arrangement of elements in rows and columns in following manner as shown in Image below .Elements of a matrix  are...
rules of divisibility 1-20

[Amazing Way] Divisibility Rules 1-20 || Divisibility Rules For 7

Divisibility Rules 1-20:- In mathematics , its very important to calculate the things.You must have knowledge about Divisibility Rules 1-20 , If you want to...
what is web browser

What Is Web Browser Practically – Detailed Explaination

What Is Web Browser:- Web Browser is a Software . It is used to access all the resources that are available on the Internet. Like , ...
create gmail account

Create Gmail Account

Create Gmail Account:- Whenever we try to do anything at Mobile or in our PC at that time , in both situations we need a...
screenshot on pc

ScreenShot On PC || Android Screenshot

ScreenShot On PC :- In these days it is required to take a screen shot of our pc screen , laptop screen or android mobile...

Pointer In C++

Pointer In C++:- In this article I have explained Pointer in c++ in detail with effective way.You will like it , I know about it....
class and encapsulation

Class And Encapsulation In C++

Class And Encapsulation In C++:- In this article I have explained class and encapsulation in c++ in detail with effective way. You will like it ,...
structure of c++ programvideo

Structure Of C++ Program

Structure Of C++ Program:- Now I am explaining you about Structure Of C++ Program. If you have Structure Of C++ Program in your mind then it...